9:00am to 9:15am
9:30am to 10:15am
The new Layout Builder: Unleash the Power!
Room Auditorium 9:30am to 10:15am Beginner tedbowCome learn how the Layout Builder module can be used as a powerful site building tool to replace much of the functionality of Panels & Panelizer. We will also show how the Layout Builder can be used in ways you have come to love Paragraphs for or even how you can use Paragraphs inside the new Layout Builder.
The session will teach you how to get the most out of the Layout Builder module.
The session will explain:
- Managing field displays using different view modes to make Views even more powerful
- Using Views inside the Layout Builder to expose relevant content to your users
- Creating dynamic user profile pages with the Layout Builder and Views
- Allowing content editors to customize the layout of individual nodes
- Fine tuning the Layout Builder experience for your content editors
- Creating dynamic Landing Pages with Inline Blocks and other tools
- Using the Layout Builder with Inline Blocks view modes to make even more powerful Landing Pages
- Replacing your Paragraphs workflow with the Layout Builder
- Using Paragraphs within the Layout Builder
- Using contrib modules to make the Layout Builder even more powerful
Ethical Web Design: Serving More of Your Visitors
Room 172 9:30am to 10:15am All Attendees DavidBuilding websites well is hard. There are time and budget constraints, requests from various departments, and legal requirements that need to be balanced. On top of all of that there's a whole business behind the site to manage! It's no wonder that the needs of the actual users of the site can often come last, yet they're the exact people who should be first in line when it comes to how you build your website.
In this talk we'll briefly discuss some of the ethical implications of building and running a website and how you can balance the wants of your clients with the needs of site users and visitors.
Creating your own Open-Source presentation
Room 177 9:30am to 10:15am All Attendees volkswagenchick, Qymana BottsThis is a presentation for folks who are thinking about speaking at Drupal (and other open-source) events, such as Drupal Meetups and DrupalCon. During this hands-on session, we’ll look at what has stopped you from speaking in the past — and explore how to move past your fears. We will discuss some common myths about public speaking, different talk formats, and we will focus on developing your talk fully.
Each participant will come out of the workshop with a DrupalCamp, WordCamp or meetup talk outline — and more confidence to present it.
***You do NOT have to have any experience in public speaking. This presentation is for all levels of experience.
This presentation is for you if:
- You’ve thought about speaking at Meetup or Camp but you haven't written your talk
- You have a specific topic in mind for a Meetup or Camp
- Why speak at Open-Source events?
- Dispelling some myths about speakers/speaking
- Why speak at Open-Source events?
- Dispelling some myths about speakers/speaking
- Writing the outline
- Coming up with a great title
- Practice giving a short talk (time allowing)
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
- Recognize the basics of a good outline.
- Apply what you have learned to your own outline.
- Recall the different types of talk formats.
- Practice public speaking in front of a small group to help build confidence.
- Identify many of the fears that have stopped you from public speaking.
Architecting a Highly Scalable, Voice enabled and Platform agnostic Federated Search
Room 180 9:30am to 10:15am Intermediate Vid, abhijeet.sAccording to IDC, 90% of all the digital information is unstructured locked in multiple repositories and digital businesses have either underinvested in technology or invested in substandard technology in order to access them. Traditional search method leads to failures majorly due to the absence of optimisation practices and lack of unified framework. In a data-driven world, unlocking the hidden insights, that are shut off from view within both structured and unstructured data present in multiple repositories, is more critical than ever.
Today, the sheer quantity and the pace of digital information that knowledge workers have to deal with every day are dramatically increasing. To tame the chaos of multiple repositories is a challenge. There has to be a deployment of a search method over distributed and heterogeneous data sets in order to receive a unified results list. This brings us to Federated Search.
OpenSense Labs initiated one such enterprise search tinkering robust Apache Solr and versatile Drupal 8 for eleven different websites with a great variation in CMS leveraging portability using Node JS.
In this session, we will equip you with the know-how of:
- Enhancing website search experience retaining a blend of useful and accurate results
- Expanding inter-site searchability decreasing the bounce rate and latency
- Increasing data discovery and interoperability of information by cross-functional support to a plethora of platforms
Architecture which will be walked through in the Session.
Architecture Diagram: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zPpNqSbJBAPb5DjeRhNsqRtzCdQf7riE/view?u...
The major takeaways would be:
- Challenges amidst architecting a microservice
- Scraping content using an open-source tool like Scrappy
- Choosing the right set of stack and technologies.
- Fiddling the Solr configuration and boosting queries
- Create a pluggable and platform agnostic search UI with react.
- What to keep in mind while building a cognitive voice search.
10:30am to 11:15am
The ElePHPant's New Tricks
Room Auditorium 10:30am to 11:15am Intermediate calevansEvery year the ElePHPant gets a little smarter. Every year it learns a few new tricks. (and thankfully, forgets a few of the old ones!)
New versions of PHP are now coming out each year. With PHP 7.0 through 7.4 we've gotten new and interesting tools added to our toolbox with each releease.
Join me as we jog through some of the new features added to PHP in the 7 line of releses. We may even talk a little about what is coming in PHP 8.
https://youtu.be/SGtncD8yM0cConfiguration Management Across Environments
Room 170 10:30am to 11:15am Intermediate Scott WestonOff-the-shelf Drupal 8 configuration management is too heavy-handed at times. By default, it’s challenging to have different configurations in place on each enviornment. How can you have a development-only module such as Devel enabled only on your Development environment but not enabed on higher environments? Moving configuration between environments can cause undesired changes to staging and (ultimately) production environments if not carefully considered.
In this session, we will review a proven approach using core and contributed modules which allows developers to fine tune per-environment configurations. This includes:
* Demonstrating how to have modules install/uninstall based on the environment,
* Showing how to leverage per-environment settings, and
* Provide use cases and examples showing how ignoring some configurations can be beneficial to the overall management of the site.
Dream Migrations and Imports: Feeds UI + Migrate Engine
Room 172 10:30am to 11:15am All Attendees irinazThis year we celebrate 4 years since Drupal 8 was released. A one-click upgrade from older versions is one of its greatest features, thanks to the Migrate module being in core. While Migrate is powerful, it lacks a good UI. In contrib, we have Feeds for importing content. This module does have a UI perfectly tuned for site builders, but it defines its own import framework. Wouldn’t it be great if the two frameworks could be combined together?
This would be a win-win solution for everyone, because:
- Developers would only have to maintain one import framework;
- Site builders could use the power of Migrate without having to write code;
- Content managers gain the flexibility to import their content without the need to go through another round of development effort.
Two years ago, the maintainers of both import frameworks discussed the idea and that eventually resulted into the Feeds Migrate module being developed.
Today we will demo what has been completed, what still needs to be done and how everyone in the Drupal community benefits from this effort.
We will also talk about Drupal Community culture that powered development of module with zero budget.
https://youtu.be/CtKnVcbLVaQWriting the pitch and speaker bio for your Open-Source presentation
Room 177 10:30am to 11:15am All Attendees volkswagenchick, Qymana BottsThis is a presentation for folks who are thinking about speaking at OpenSource events, such as Drupal or WordPress Meetups and Camps. During this hands-on session, we’ll look at what has stopped you from speaking in the past — and explore how to move past your fears. We will discuss some common myths about public speaking, different talk formats, and we will focus on writing your pitch.
Each participant will come out of the presentation with a DrupalCamp, WordCamp or meetup talk proposal – and more confidence to submit it.
***You do NOT have to have any experience in public speaking. This presentation is for all levels of experience. This workshop is for you if:
- You’ve thought about speaking at Meetup or Camp but haven't written your pitch
- Or you have pitched to multiple events and haven't gotten accepted
- Or you want to get better at writing your pitches
- Why speak at Open Source events?
- Dispelling some myths about speakers/speaking
- Writing a pitch
- Coming up with a great title
- Writing your bio
- Practice giving a short talk (time allowing)
After completing this lesson, you will:
- Have a better understanding of what makes a successful pitch
- Have the confidence to begin work on your own pitches
- Get optional public speaking practice in a small group to build confidence
- Will understand that there are different types of talk formats
Room 180 10:30am to 11:15am All Attendees gauravtechie20% of Global searches is Voice-based and by 2020; this number will increase to 50%. If that does not bother a content creator or marketer! I am not sure what will!
Search is changing, and so is the way consumers choose to engage with businesses locally or globally. There is a distinct move away from screens and keyboards, and into voice-based interactions. Voice search is becoming a fast-growing habit across consumer segments and fundamentally transforming how people and businesses transact on the internet.
Consider this:
- According to Technavio, the voice recognition market will be a massive $601 million industry by 2019.
- Christmas 2017, the Amazon Echo Dot was the best-selling holiday gift
Here are some key takeaways:
- Why a voice content strategy is critical for enterprises
- How and Why to make your content future proof
- The differences between voice-based and web-based content, and how that affects the user experience
- The basics of optimizing your content for voice search
- Why bots should be your next strategic investment
- Implementation of Speakable schema and how that works.
- A quick view of the schemas important for the VSO
- Example of sites ranking in the Voice
Video of my talks on the same topic
- Texas Camp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyPeO1fybj8
- Decoupled Days 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9k8kbkIAwM
- Tech Triveni: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zRR2of5s8s
11:30am to 12:15pm
DevOps and Emotional Intelligence: Taking that next step
Room Auditorium 11:30am to 12:15pm All Attendees cyberswatWe all hear about how wonderful the DevOps movement is and how modern technologies can make our daily work lives better. The reality for most of us is that projects can seem super difficult and even insurmountable at times, no matter how many tools we have or what methods we employ. That’s when it’s key to have a safe space where we can experiment and develop our emotional intelligence to best support each other.
In this session we’ll share with you some of the lessons we’ve learned in the course of building a local development environment and hosting platform:
- Why we need to think about small steps in our work
- Some key points to understand when planning work with a team
- How to approach challenges as human beings
- What to do when communication is hard, challenges pile up and the work begins to seem insurmountable
- When, where and how to make changes and offer help
- How to identify what is emotional, personal and what is technical, then approaching a solution with that perspective
- How this all ties back to some of the basic principles of DevOps
With some careful planning (the investment is worth it!) and thoughtful execution of tasks with goals and initiatives in sight, we can make steady progress towards success together.
Migrating Greymuzzle.org using Lando with accessibility in mind
Room 172 11:30am to 12:15pm All Attendees markieIn 2015, the Mediacurrent team updated the Greymuzzle.org website as part of the A11y challenge, to make it an accessible site. Now with the sunsetting of Drupal7, it was necessary to update the site at least to Drupal8, if not 9 (In the works). This was an easy process using the local development environment Lando.
Learning Objectives
In this session we will review
- The history of Greymuzzle.org
- The migration inventory of the site.
- Setting up Lando to work with an upgrade process.
- Some tips and tricks used to help speed the migration
- Theming issues to keep this an accessible site.
Becoming a better speaker
Room 177 11:30am to 12:15pm All Attendees volkswagenchick, Qymana BottsHave you considered presenting at an Open-Source Camp but thought you didn’t know enough or felt like an imposter? Do you not know what to do with your hands? Do you want tips for dealing with questions from the audience? This session is geared to new speakers and more experienced speakers who would like more tips and tricks.
***You do NOT have to have any experience in public speaking. This workshop is for all levels of experience.
This presentation is for you if:
- You are new to public speaking or you have done it before and would like more tips and tricks.
- Why speak at Open-Source events?
- Dispelling some myths about speakers/speaking
- Becoming a Better Speaker Dos and Don'ts
- Common Speaker Mistakes
- Nerves
- How to practice
- Handling the Q&A
- Practice giving a short talk
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
- Feel more confident in public speaking
- Understand that feeling like an imposter is normal
- Understand how to handle questions from the audience during the talk and the Q&A section after
- Have techniques to practice speaking
- Have techniques to handle nerves
Integrations: Managing Complexity and Ambiguity
Room 180 11:30am to 12:15pm Beginner lukewertz, jesconstantineIntegrations are often one of the biggest timeline and budget drivers in large web projects and are often one of the least defined parts of the project when planning. Knowing how to think about integrations strategically will help you mitigate unknowns and risks.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Identify factors which drive complexity in an integration
- Develop your own internal frame for thinking about integrations
- Develop a vocabulary for creating a shared understanding around integrations with stakeholders (both technical and not).
Target Audience
This session is for:
- People who manage outcomes, budgets, or timelines of projects that leverage integrations
- People who may be responsible for implementing or estimating work associated with integrations
Attendees who will get the most out of this session have experience with or interest in owning/architecting/implementing/managing projects which integrate with other systems.
https://youtu.be/KXymfw2U2pU12:15pm to 1:15pm
1:15pm to 5:00pm
First Time Contribution Workshop
Room 172 1:15pm to 5:00pm All Attendees volkswagenchickNot a coder? That’s perfectly fine! There will be mentors available for those who need a little help to get started.
We will also have a Contribution Workshop for first-time contributors. There will be help setting up the necessary tools, understanding which types of issues to work on, and even some live demos of the complete contribution process (from finding an issue, fixing the problem, making a patch, uploading a patch, and reviewing the patch for commit).
Not everyone who works on open source projects is a developer. Smaller tasks help the less experienced gain confidence and experience, which, in turn, leads to more contributions. Code is very important, but so are all the other parts.
Contribution Sprint
Room Library 1:15pm to 5:00pm All Attendees volkswagenchickFlorida Drupalcamp Contribution Sprints
Why Contribute?
The more that people contribute, the stronger Drupal becomes. The more polished and refined the project is, the more job security we all have.
Why Sprint?
It’s an excellent opportunity to connect with other contributors, help collaborate and brainstorm, and move the Drupal project forward. Contributing is a fantastic way to receive feedback and build skills while learning from those more experienced.
Not a Coder or New to Tech?
That’s great! It’s your turn to shine.
Not everyone who works on Drupal is a developer: Project Managers, Customer Service, and those who hold non-technical roles can all give back to the community. Code is important, but so are all the other parts.
We’ve got you covered.
There will be mentors available for those who need a little help to get started.
We will make sure you stay caffeinated, fed, and hydrated.