Accessible Media
Accessibility is essential for developers and organizations that want to create high-quality websites and web tools, and not exclude people from using their products and services. If you’re in charge of your website, you have a lot of things to cover between keeping it up to date, entering and managing content, and making sure it's all accessible.
As part of an inclusive content strategy, how accessible is your media?
We'll do a deep dive into making your media more accessible. We'll cover definitions, standards, guidelines, as well as images, videos, captions, media players, forms, and more.
AmyJune Hineline
AmyJune Hineline is the Open Source Community Ambassador at Kanopi Studios. With a dual focus on both open-source community development and inclusivity, she is uniquely positioned to help individuals become more comfortable and confident as they contribute to their communities. She co-organize various open-source camps and conventions throughout North America, empowering individuals to forge deep community connections that benefit the whole. As a self-described non-coder, AmyJune helps communities discover how they can contribute and belong in more ways than coding.
With five years of open-source community involvement behind her, she has had the opportunity to become actively involved in both the Drupal and WordPress communities: working to lower the barrier to entry in tech though the leadership of first-time contributor workshops at the local and regional level.
Her ongoing experience as a hospice nurse keeps her in touch with the challenges faced by many end-users. In her continued efforts to make a difference, she helps organize A11yTalks, an online meetup where they invite folks on every month to talk about all things accessibility - one of the core components of building an inclusive web.
Outside of her mission in the technology community space, she has a deep love for mycology, geocaching, and air-cooled Volkswagens.